The first strategic meeting of the Holy Quran Meshkat Competition was held at noon yesterday, Saturday, May 15, 1401 in Tehran, in the presence of committee directors and members of this council.
In this meeting, which lasted about three hours, first Mojtaba Mohammadi, CEO of the Meshkat Quranic Institute, presented a report pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the previous period of the International Holy Quran Recitation Competition.
Mohammadi went on to express the solutions to eliminate the shortcomings of the previous period and update the structures of the meshkat Quranic Institute including information bases in cyberspace, change the way competitions are held, including the final course, increase competition courses to facilitate the presence of enthusiasts. Holy Quran announced at the international level and in future periods.
Following this meeting, Seyyed Reza Taghavi, Chairman of the Strategic Council, revealed that some cultural activities such as the Holy Quran competition at the national and international levels are not only desirable but also necessary.
Finally, after summarizing by the Strategic Council through the website of the meshkat Quranic Institute will be informed.
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