Meshkat news

Photo report of educational activities

Video report of the educational activities of the Mishkat Quranic Institute in Tehran branch, Enghelab Islamic Square

Popular campaign to recite Surah Fath

According to the advice of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, for the victory of the Resistance Front, it is being held:

Introducing the top winners of the international imitation recitation competition

The final stage of the third edition of the Mashkat International Qur'an Competition was held in the evening of Saturday, April 18, in Tehran.

Registration Begins for Meshkat international Holy Quran competition

In order to spread the teachings of the Holy Qur'an and strengthen the unity of the Islamic Ummah, as well as, to honor the selected Qur'anic reciters and memorizers of Islamic world, the cultural ...

The quorum for qualifying for the semi-final stage of the People's Qur'an Competition of Meshakat wa

رشته های حفظ 5 جزء ، 15 جزء ، کل قرآن کریم ، قرائت تقلیدی، ترتیل خوانی ، مناجات خوانی و اذان

پنجمین دوره مسابقات قرآنی مشکات با شعار تجلیل از قهرمانان قرآنی

مدیرعامل مؤسسه قرآنی مشکات در نشست خبری پنجمین دوره مسابقات سراسری قرآنی مشکات گفت: ثبت نام مسابقات مردمی ...

اجرای طرح «معراج» با اهدای جوایز میلیونی

مدیرعامل مؤسسه قرآنی مشکات با اشاره به اجرای طرح قرآنی معراج با جوایز میلیونی به مخاطبان گفت: با توجه به اهمیت ...

4th Int’l Meshkat Quran Competition; Details & Awards

TEHRAN (Meshkat) – The 4th edition of the Meshkat international Quran competition is set to be held in Iran in the coming months.

Athe strategic meeting of the Meshkat Holy Quran Competition was held at noon on Saturday

According to the information base of the Meshkat Quranic Institute, the strategic meeting of the Meshkat Holy Quran Competition was held at noon on Saturday, May 20, 1401 in Tehran with the presence ...

Four selected reciting in the field of imitation recitation were

published Audio files in the field of imitation recitation of the fourth national and international competition of the Holy Quran Mishkat

The first strategic meeting of the Holy Quran Meshkat Competition was held at noon yesterday

The first strategic meeting of the Holy Quran Meshkat Competition was held at noon yesterday, Saturday, May 15, 1401 in Tehran, in the presence of committee directors and members of this council.

Contest source

‏Recitation of the first verse of Surah Al-Mubarakah Al-Qiyamat with the voice of the late Master Abdul Basit Mohammad Abdul Samad

The opening ceremony of the international Meshkat international

The opening ceremony of the international "Meshkat" international recitation contest

Download the first verse of Surah Qiyamat by Sheikh Abdul Basit

The International Virtual Competition of Problems will be held from the beginning of the Holy Surah of the Resurrection by the late Professor Abdul Basit Mohammad Abdul Samad

Describe the details of the mesh call contest

According to IQNA reporter, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Mojtaba Mohammadi, CEO of Mushkat Institute, said in a press conference on January 28 at the International Virtual Quran Recitation Competition ...

rand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi issued a message on the occasion of the International Virtual Holy Qu

Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi issued a message on the occasion of the International Virtual Holy Quran Recitation Contest "Mishkat", which was read at the opening of the contest last night, ...